
Saturday, November 5, 2011

On Thrifting

I used to spend a lot of money buying brand name clothing. I'm talking about $200-$300 per month even when I couldn't afford to. Bad money management, I know. And I always buy on impulse! This has gotta stop. I fell out of love with flea markets a while ago, but now I'm back! It helps me save money, I get quality clothes at low prices and best of all, its recycling! I was overwhelmed by my massive haul from the Tanglin Mall 2nd Hand Fashion Bazaar. There was so much clothing there for sale. I made a mistake of wearing heels that day. It killed my feet, never wear heels on treasure hunting days. One thing I learned about flea markets is that you can't be shy. You have to flip, dig and always ask for discounts. If I have the time, I shall take pictures of all the fabulous items I got.

Photos snapped in Orchard.

I love flea markets. I am totally for them. It is a great way to get rid of what you don't need and to get what you want at a fraction of the full cost. ლ(╹◡╹ლ) My dad is pretty much my main influence since young. He drives me around during the weekends to go on what I call treasure hunts. I used to go straight to the toy section to get like barbie dolls or Sailor Moon stuff (/ω\). Then when I was older, I went for the storybooks. It is a waste to get books at full price, only to read them once or twice. I got a set of the Stieg Larsson books in April and that was like 40 over dollars with 40% discount. At that time, I thought it was a good deal until I saw a copy of the series on sale at only $1! Maybe if I had waited, I could have saved some money. I get impatient at times, especially with books, just can't wait to read them. Books are second on the "21 Things-You-Should-Never-Buy-New" list. (*´ェ`*)

If we all recycle, reduce and reuse, we can all help to save the world. For example, printing on both sides of a piece of paper saves the trees, turning off the tap when we soap ourselves saves water and bringing out a shopping bag helps reduce plastic waste. I think these are very easy and even though that small motion might not seem much at the moment, it will affect the future eventually. I feel so inspired after looking at crafters breathing life into what usually others would consider junk. Instead of buying new stuff, why not try getting a second-hand one, or if you are feeling crafty, get started on a D.I.Y project!

Here are some articles which I think are worth a read:
Don't Throw It Away
The Cheapskate Guide: 50 Tips for Frugal Living

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